Thursday, May 3, 2007

The First Post: Disclaimer

I want to welcome, the probably very few, who are reading this blog for the first and possibly last time. There are a few reasons behind this blog:

1. I'm Bored
2. I'm Bored
3. The lack of entertaining sports writing on the Internet.

Whether or not you agree with any of the opinions expressed on this page is irrelevant. The way we see it is that this blog is a lot like Simon Cowell; you may not like what we have to say, but chances are, we're right. Either way, you will be entertained.

So much of the sports media market is dependant upon what goes on off the field, away from the ice, or outside the arena. Thanks to the Entertainment Sports Network, we have to put up with the constant bickering from players, coaches, agents and families, losing focus on what is really important and what drives us to buy new TV's just so we can see our favorite players that much more clearly. That being said, what you are most likely going to read on a day to day basis will have to do with specific events in a game, event, or draft involving the athletes that participated in said events, their athletic history, and their forecast for success or, well, not so much in the future. You will also probably read from time to time a ranking of some sort such as the greatest college football players of the past 20 years, or the top ten reasons why the Yankees aren't successful.

Finally, the blog's name; No Owens Sports. If there is one thing that is over hyped in sports media, it is Terrell Owens and his ridiculous antics. TO is a fantastic football player when he puts his mind to it and is one of the truly game changing players on the field in the NFL today. That doesn't make what he does off the field acceptable. I don't care about TO and neither should you. That's the last you will hear about him on this site.

Thanks for reading, and let the games begin!

1 comment:

David Rivelli said...

I would like to announce that I will be contributing to this blog as I enjoy reading it. George Will would read this column.