Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hey Yankees Fans - Take A Look In The Mirror

For those of you who read on a daily basis, or know the No Owens staff personally, you know that there is a serious distaste for the New York American League baseball club. For those of you who don’t share the same distaste, you need to take a step back and think about the organization that you give you heart and soul to.

Remember about a month ago when the Yankees were trying and successfully stealing the press away from the Boston Red Sox? Remember when they said that if A-Rod opted out of his contract, they wouldn’t renegotiate with him?

Yesterday A-Rod went to the negotiating tables with the Steinbernner pedigree without the help of his agent Scott Boras. Reports coming out of the meetings say that the number they are throwing around now is $27 million.

Remember when Boras was making A-Rod out to be the $30-$35 million player? What happened to that? I’ll tell you exactly what happened to it.

A few weeks ago we talked about Ohio State and how their athletic department knows exactly what they are doing. Winning and losing doesn’t matter as long as you are doing enough winning to get you into a BCS game. Even if Ohio State loses to Michigan this weekend, they still might get an at large bid. Baseball owners are now understanding…if they sign A-Rod for something along the lines of $300 million, are they going to see a return on their investment getting just enough wins to make the playoffs?

Could it be that the owners have spoken? The best player of our generation is out there waiting to be taken to play somewhere on the left side of the infield for any team, and no one is making an offer. What gives? He’s not worth that money. If he was, he’d have a ring, if not six by now. Excuse me while I continue to make another point….with the winning run on second in the bottom of the ninth, who do you want at the plate? Yeah, not A-Rod.

Everything is coming back to bite A-Rod right now. People want to blame Boras for asking too much. I wouldn’t. Look at his…regular season…numbers and they are all world, potentially unmatched by anyone in history. But the only way someone is going to pay want Boras wants for A-Rod is if there is an owner so caught up in winning that he could care less about the money. See Boston and New York.

But A-Rod hasn’t won. Hence why no one wants to pay Boras’ asking price for him. The Yankees said that they wouldn’t negotiate with A-Rod if he opted out. Look who’s the big fool now. When A-Rod said that he wanted to come to the table by himself, the Yankees should have said no thanks. But they didn’t. They think they need A-Rod to win. No, they need Paul O’Neill.

If you’re a Yankees fan, how do you feel about this team that can’t live up to what they say their going to do? By negotiating with A-Rod the one team that no one thought could sell out is selling out. They are cowards. How do you feel if you play for an organization that now goes against their word? What kind of integrity do they have? They were just trying to find a solution to this A-Rod absence by finding a way to get Miguel Cabrera. Cabrera would be in the organization forever if they could get him. For the money, I would say that Cabrera is even a better value that A-Rod is. But no.

We talked a few weeks ago about how maybe the Yankees are going back to their old ways. The way of playing hard nosed baseball based around good pitching and timely, manufactured offense. Now they are going back to the form of baseball that hasn’t gotten them a ring since Bernie. And they are doing it in shame. In the shame of embarrassing themselves by giving A-Rod the chance to come back. Are you kidding me? If you are a Yankees fan, you should be ashamed of your team. Man up and stick to your word…don’t make the ultimate statement and back down. Congratulations, the team that continues to by players thinking that they will help is now not just greedy…they’re frauds too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Yankees!!!