Tuesday, January 22, 2008

He's Back! But Only at No Owens.

We are 22 days into the new year, and sadly enough it is only the first time we've gotten a shot at the man atop the No Owens hit list. Let's recap the stars of the list:

5. Tom Brady
4. Michelle Wie
3. Brady Quinn
2. Michelle Kwan

And number one, the most awful person in the history of the world of professional sports and games: Phil Mickelson.

Most of you probably didn't think the golf season was under way. I mean, Tiger hasn't played yet, nor has Phil. Vijay was an answer on Jeopardy! yesterday. But it seems there's a chance that we won't see Phil this week either.

Mickelson has been told to stay in bed for two days at the order of his doctor. His symptoms? Respiratory problem.

Respiratory issues sound pretty rough, right? I mean, "Respiratory" usually means something pretty serious. You're lungs tend to be important.

Phil, however, has been suffering from heavy congestion, shortness of breath and fatigue since...October. That's not a respiratory issue, that's called being fat. So basically, all that time off that Phil needed last year that we slammed him for last year was well needed as he's too out of shape to walk a few miles four days a week and swing a stick 70 times or less. Apparently, golf is a sport that requires endurance and physical conditioning. You know, because that season was taking such a toll on Phil, you'd think maybe he would take some time to get himself into better shape to play more events?

Yesterday all the stir was on TheDanian Tomlinson and how he was being soft for not playing but three plays or whatever in Sunday's AFC Title game. First of all, anyone who could have been out there, would have. LT had to be in a whole lot of pain not to play. But if you got on LT yesterday, how can you not get on the biggest (apparently now) contender to Tiger Woods for having issues of breathing and not doing anything about it for what is now a fourth month?

What is Phil doing? His job is to play golf. He's had this issue since October. Maybe it is more severe than being fat and out of shape. I hope for Phil's sake it isn't, but until we are proven otherwise, that's going to be the official stance taken at No Owens. He's a baby. One huge (literally apparently) baby. Get out there and walk and swing. If you can't do that, if you can't get out there and play a game that any of us would love to do for a living, then get out of there. This man is a disgrace to the world of sports.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Phil...Just reading your blog with Sr. and he has taken off for the treadmill in the basement !!! Patsy