Thursday, March 20, 2008

National Holiday Stance

Today/tomorrow are the two most important days of the year in sports, and for that matter, arguably everything. There isn't a sporting event like the tourney that everyone can relate to. Whoever invented the bracket pool is a genius. Not only has he probably lost more money than the rest of us over time, but he created a sense of community around a sporting event. We all have one team who is our go to team during the year, but often times that team doesn't make the tourney or have a shot at the title. I have the Vols. I don't fit in that category.

But for the most part, you can root for your bracket because you want 60% of that take in your office, plus bragging rights for the next year. "Hey remember when you actually picked Kansas to beat Arizona in 1996?" That's a line I use often. I was in 7th grade I think and everyone in the Ernst and Young office in Chicago hated me. I didn't care. Still don't. Good think accounting isn't in my repertoire.

Moral of the story is, I'm showing up to work today. I'm going to crush work until about 11, which I guess includes doing this, and then I'm signing into CBS and watching games on my 24 inch LCD panel. It's going to be great, other than I won't be crushing beers at the CPM.

I am getting paid though. Much like many of you who read this at work and waste your boss' time, today, I'm going to waste more than the 20 minutes it takes me to get this posting done. I'm going to waste the entire afternoon. In fact, I'm probably going to waste most of the morning too because I can't do anything besides think about how excited I am about basketball. What's funny is that you are the exact same way. Everyone is the same. Why do we work today? The workaholics out there probably have a good reason. The rest of us normal people don't. Today should be like the Thanksgiving weekend...the Thursday-Friday bonus. It's not.

Many of you know that since about the 6th grade, I have been formulating the best political platform in the history of the world. It rocks. I've even recently solved the health care "problems" in America. We can get to that another time. Should I run for President some day, I will also throw on my platform that the first Thursday-Friday of the tourney are National Holidays, celebrating the greatest event in American sports. I think that's fair. So do you. We aren't being productive anyway. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. WAYNE CHISM STYLE.


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