Friday, July 25, 2008

Wie Don't You Understand?

Michelle Wie has been invited to play again. With men.

Wie was supposed to be done with playing with the boys. Years of missing the cut at men's events (she has made only one) and a poor start to her career on the LPGA Tour conspired to bring some sense into the teen phenom's scheduling. With the wise, and cautious, David Ledbetter offering advice in the background, Wie had decided to stick to women's events.

At least Dave had thought it through a little.

What is this girl's problem? Aside from the fact she apparently was about to turn in her best, professional performance before she got DQ'd for not signing her'd think someone would take a hint. What's Ty Tryon doing these days?

Maybe Wie is going to be something, some day. But again, win on your own tour, follow the rules of your tour before jumping around. Any tournament director that's giving this girl exemptions is just a joke.

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